I have divided i3ass in two repositories, i3ass and i3add (i3 additions). My thought is that i3ass will be a more serious set of tools. While i3add will be more experimental and can be seen as a showcase of uses for i3ass. I do use all i3add scripts in my personal, daily workflow.

i3ass function
i3var Set or get a i3 variable
i3fyra An advanced simple gridbased tiling layout
i3run Run, Raise or hide windows
i3list List attributes of i3wm
i3get Return information about i3wm
i3flip Tabswitching done right
i3add function
i3cast Create and upload screen recordings
i3Kornhe Resize windows by moving the corners
i3minimize Minimize active window
i3monocle Maximize active window
i3zen Send windows to the zenter
i3term Launch a command in a new urxvt window
i3wswp Switch workspace and wallpaper


i3add will have a installation script similar to the old install.sh in i3ass, which linked the scripts to a preferred folder. i3ass will get a new install script (a Makefile) that will install the scripts with make install.